What We Do

Educate those who are unaware of how powerful Mother Natures herbs can be. Especially if used regularly.


Our Mission

Luv Life Herbs provides a natural alternative for healthy living. Using Mother Natures natural herbs, we provide individuals with a healthy Alkaline lifestyle. Our goal is to be the bridge that delivers people with natural herbs and oils for healing, physical stamina and mental stimulation. Our mission is to help as many people as possible with these healing herbs to give them a natural outlook on health.

Luv LIfe Herbs Inc would like to be able to increase the survival rate in our community by providing the Education and access to Mother Natures Natural Herbs..


There are several areas here in the state of Florida, where people (especially people of color) are unaware of the Power of Natural Herbs as well as how to get access to them.


What We’ve Achieved

  • Educated individuals in the community on the power of cooking with Mother Natures Herbs

  • Assisted persons in the community with weight loss by educating them on the power of fasting

  • Educated Individuals in the community on the types of herbs used for quicker healing of a wound.

  • Informed those of specific herbs in which assist in the process of quitting smoking.

  • Assisted individuals with the lowering and regulating their blood sugar to a healthy standing

  • Accommodated people with hair gain when hair loss had them at a loss

  • Helped individuals with controlling their blood pressure

  • serviced individuals with product and information for their breathing condition; Asthma as well as others with upper respiratory infections